
Jiri Kolar

Jiri Kolar's workshop of imagination.

On occasion of the 2015 exhibition at Museo di Pittura Murale and Galleria Open Art, both in Prato, Carlo Cambi Editore is publishing a monograph of about 300 pages, edited by Francesca Pola: a comprehensive, careful and detailed historic-artistic contextualisation which unites a highly emblematic corpus of works with many texts by the artist and period documents, in the interests of achieving a new and more complete reading of Kolář’s art. Among these documents is previously unpublished material on the artist’s solo exhibitions at the Museum Haus Lange of Krefeld (1973), at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum of New York (1975) and at the Museo Nacional Reina Sofìa of Madrid (1996): exhibitions which were crucial to Kolář’s life in art; the Prato retrospective presents some of the most significant works exhibited by the artist on those occasions.

€ 35.00
